

俚语 boogie bear

Boogie Bear

When i person has ruff sex whilst listenign to Jazz music.
James: "Mary's looking ruff today."
Andrew: " Yeah, She got Boogie Beared by Nubby last night... saxophones really help get him in the mood.

Boogie Bear

When there is no other cute girls in the bar so before the bar closes you fuck the boogie bear
"you gotta get the boogie bear"
''Fuck no she a boogie bear"

boogy bear

A really cool chick who dances and gets her feet dirty and doesn't care what others think or make comparisons of herself to regular old booger bears.
"She don't care it's raining outside, she a boogy bear and she is killin it."
"See her over there? That's a real boogy bear!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:57:01