

俚语 abhiraj


A very good looking dude. Has great personality. Jokes a lot and makes himself and everyone around him happy. Guys and girls both love his looks
Person1:Man that guy is such a Abhiraj
Person2: so true!


Abhiraj is the best guy you'll ever meet.. Honest at heart, stands with you in all your dawn and success. He's the kindest soul you'll ever meet until you test his patience. He's smart and intelligent and know every secret, but he's able to keep it in his mind. He's courageous, brave and SWEET.
Abhiraj will never leave you alone unless you broke his heart.


Abhiraj is a stunning looking person. He has absolutely no flaws and is the human form of god himself. His smile lights up a room and he has many people looking over to him with jealously.
Person 1: Damn! Look at Abhiraj and Alexa getting it on over there
Person 2: I’m so jealous.

Person 3: The things I’d do to just be him for one day..


Robo Chicken / Micheal Jackson wannabe
Abhiraj is a Robo Chicken / Micheal Jackson wannabe


a sad pretty boy that everyone apparently wants to fuck. no one would pass the opportunity of making him their boytoy.
i'm so jealous of her, she owns Abhiraj.


This guy? He's perfect.
One word. Perfect. He's an adorable cinnamon roll who loves dogs, and whose smile lightens up the whole world. The universe even. He honestly deserves the whole dang world. And more. Words fail to describe how wonderful he actually is. He's handsome. Both from within and from without. When he laughs, the angels sing from the heavens.
And what hurts is, you can't even say whatever is on your mind when you're around him, and have to depend on something else to do so.
Person 1: Isn't that him? That's Abhiraj indeed. He deserves so much more.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:59