

俚语 boomer eggs

Boomer Eggs

When a cannibal rolls a freshly killed Boomer or Baby Boomer's human body into a simple ball in order to fit it into a freezer, the body is normally forgotten about for months until remembered. once remembered, they are left to defrost and eventually

the cannibal will unroll the body and cut it open from the rectum to directly above the genitalia, this is considered "cracking". once the body is cracked, feces, urine, and undigested food spill out. Like a normal egg, you eat the innards and disregard the "shell". Thus the "Boomer Egg" is born.
Danny: "Man, I'm hungry!"
Mark: "Let us head to the basement and make some Boomer Eggs."
Danny: "Yum! Can't wait!"

Boomer egg

When a young person is experiencing balding and is acting with boomer rage, thus resulting in him looking like an egg
Omg guys Tobi is such a boomer egg




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