Verb.- One of the primary unwritten job duties of millennials (and formerly Gen Xera before they got promoted). Involves laboriously walking aging baby boomers (who would have retired already if they had responsibly saved instead of spending $70,000 of HELOC money redoing their kitchens three years in a row) through basic tasks involving the use of computers, and often painstakingly automating the portions of their jobs that make everyone else’s life harder because they always fuck it up. In general, they both call you a genius and bemoan you “overcomplicating” things you’ve actually made significantly simpler, because their ability to learn new tasks is essentially gone.
“I got sick of boomersitting Greg through running those reports and then fixing his errors, so I wrote a macro to do it. He doesn’t make the same mistakes anymore, but now he spends the ten minutes he used to spend asking me how to do the reports complaining that the old way was much simpler and I should stop messing with things.”