

俚语 boomp


Retarded, messsed up, or bootleg.
That kid is failing every class he has. He's so boomp.


Sniffing lines off of a boob.
She’s either sick, or does a shit load of blow. She sits back here and sniffles all day. I think she takes bumbs off her boobs. Yeah, she's been doing boomps all night.


Trailer park trash , scumy bitch , ugly and ratchet
This school full of boomps . PERIODT


To appear, whether physically or otherwise, or to act in a manner resembling a short, hobbit-like native of Vashon Island.

That shot was really short, you boomped it tough!

Oh man, I was just a boomp stick away...

Synonyms: Coming up short, blowing it, obnoxious, bob,


A hip thrust thing like a cat walk
these heels add the 'boomp' to your walk'

Girl Boomp!

When someone is being ridiculous and you feel the need to tell them to go away or that you're done being in their presence. Most of the time it is accompanied by a hand motion. (palm in face)
C: Hey, can I borrow some money..ho?
AC: Nope, you can't. GIRL BOOMP! (AC puts her hand in C's face.

boomping snookies

having copious amounts of sex
Alex and Jeff had a great night of boomping snookies.




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