The Biblical baby name Abiezer is Hebrew in origin and its meaning is father or help or helpful.
Abiezer is pronounced ab-ee-ay'-zer.
There were 3 men named Abiezer in the Old Testament. One of them was the grandson of Manasseh and an ancestor of Gideon, another was one of David’s mighty warriors, and the 3rd man named Abiezer was the chief of the tribe of Dan at the time of Exodus.
Abiezer is also spelled Abieezer in some Bibles.
1 Chronicles 7:18; 2 Samuel 23:27; Numbers 1:12
Strong's concordance 044
Abiezer is pronounced ab-ee-ay'-zer.
There were 3 men named Abiezer in the Old Testament. One of them was the grandson of Manasseh and an ancestor of Gideon, another was one of David’s mighty warriors, and the 3rd man named Abiezer was the chief of the tribe of Dan at the time of Exodus.
Abiezer is also spelled Abieezer in some Bibles.
1 Chronicles 7:18; 2 Samuel 23:27; Numbers 1:12
Strong's concordance 044
The ninth captain for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite
Ngakak Abiez XIXIXIXI
Sentence someone would say when they find something really funny whilst being satire towards the joke
Mika : bapak gw 5
Sev : Ngakak Abiez XIXIXIXI
Sev : Ngakak Abiez XIXIXIXI