

俚语 boot the boot

boot da boot

They can move the fuck on and move the fuck outta your way
That bitch can boot da boot if she wants to act like that.


A mentally handicapped dog, odd in appearance.
Hey Laura, Boot-Boot just shit on the floor again.

boot boot

Another word for ass or booty when referring to having sex.
Hey girl, let me get some boot boot...

Let me tap that boot boot

boot boot bagooter

Term we use for someones asshole
"I want to fuck that girl in her boot boot bagooter"

boots and cats and boots and cats

What a 42 year old white bitch says when she trys to "rap".
I can rap yall! watch! boots and cats and boots and cats

boot the boot

when you slap an ass
and it's like

i'll boot the boot!

boot boot gotti

TWhen your playing GTA V and your looking for a bugatti and you find a similar car that turns out to just be a random car.
c'MERizaih: Hey look a bugatti!
Me: No cuhh that's a boot boot gotti! XD
*c'MERizaih face palms himself into another dimension*




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