Noun: Slang spanish term for "a drunken bean." Usually used in reference to a drunken male.
"You should come over."
"What? And chill with a bunch of barachos?..No thanks. Drunk guys are nasty."
"What? And chill with a bunch of barachos?..No thanks. Drunk guys are nasty."
los borachos
A legendary Fantasy Football player that beat an "almost Hall of Famer" BTTB-badtothebone A.K.A Pops, by 100 points.
They obliterated that team, absolutely los borachos them!
Mass Boracho
The act of getting smashed and doing fucked up shit with you buddies.
"Johan asked Nate if he was ready to get mass boracho tonight".
los borachos
A legendary Fantasy Football player that beat an "almost Hall of Famer" BTTB-badtothebone A.K.A Pops, by 100 points.
They destroyed that team, absolutely los borachos them!