

俚语 borche


The action of chilling on a back porch (borch) usually involves alcohol and/ or other illegal substances. Borching is usually preformed by the borch cr3w members: Sydney, AllySON, Michele, and Brittany.


Something very sexy and attractive. Men with big penisses are referred to as borchs
the room is packed with borchs... i think im going to get some tonight.


Referring to something out of the ordinary, broken, improperly functioning, etc.
I got into an accident, now my car is all borched up.


the act of vomiting after drinking way to much.
"Dude, pull over, Im' gonna borch!"

"I shouldn't have had that shot. I feel like I'm gonna borch..."

"I drank a bottle of vodka and borched all night long."


the fat of a woman's stomach that is under a her belt line, yet above her vagina. It typically protrudes after she has had children.

AKA: love bubble

origin: Amharic, Ethiopian national language, this is the actual term in for this part of a woman's body.
Asfawesen: Check out that woman over there...
Assegid: She's very pretty and has nice boobies, but check out her borch. She must have had a four kids already.


Show Spelled Pronunciation bawrch, bohrch (b?, b oarch) –noun

1. : A college aged male that hides their perpetual stoner buzz and utter contempt for the system behind khakis and polo shirts.

2. Interestingly in the perceptions of many, Borches are often deemed poor. Yet they are actually fairly resourceful. Having their tuition and rent paid for by the elders of the tribe, they have more or less a totally disposable income which leads to enough beer and vodka to keep a good buzz going for the majority of the year.

3. One down ass motherfuckin' W*$$a. The Throwedest frestyler alive. Some say he's too commercial but it's certainly more enjoyable listening to him rather than say 50 cent.
COP#1: You think we should search this car?

COP#2: Nah, it’s just a Borch. Give him a breathalyzer and let him go.

BORCH: Shit, thank god they didn't search the trunk!


Show Spelled Pronunciation bawrch, bohrch (b?, b oarch) –noun

1. : A college aged male that hides their perpetual stoner buzz and utter contempt for the system behind khakis and polo shirts.

2. Interestingly in the perceptions of many, Borches are often deemed poor. Yet they are actually fairly resourceful. Having their tuition and rent paid for by the elders of the tribe, they have more or less a totally disposable income which leads to enough beer and vodka to keep a good buzz going for the majority of the year.

3. One down ass motherfuckin' W*$$a. The Throwedest frestyler alive. Some say he's too commercial but it's certainly more enjoyable listening to him rather than say 50 cent.
COP#1: You think we should search this car?

COP#2: Nah, it’s just a Borch. Give him a breathalyzer and let him go.

BORCH: Shit, thank god they didn't search the trunk!




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