

俚语 a bitch nigga

a bitch nigga

a nigga i dont like
that dude a bitch nigga

a bitch nigga

Used on somebody that doesn't want no smoke. He/she doesn't want to be caught shlippin...especially on the basketball court. In other words, this could be a Sonari. I guess we never know.
Look Tyrone, a bitch nigga.

Bitch nigga

A man that is destined to be punked because they do not possess the strength of character to be hard. A bitch nigga will always crumble when confronted by a real nigga.
Man, fuck that bitch nigga! He's all talk.

bitch nigga

A man who, instead of behaving in a manly way, such as standing up for his actions or staying out of other people's buisness, behaves the way a woman, or bitch would, participating in gossip and talking behind other people's backs, with the ultimate goal of causing drama, like a woman (bitch) would.
Nigga's always runnin up to me on the street, "This nigga said this, this nigga said that...", man I don't give a fuck what that Bitch Nigga Said...

bitch nigga


1. One who yells at you to stop doing something, hoping that someone's mother will hear and rush to their defense.

2. A male that requires a female to stand up for them.
Shut up! You know you're gonna get me in trouble you bitch nigga!

bitch nigga

A man who does something very punkish, who can't keep his mouth shut when he fucks up.
Did you hear that Kobe Bryant implicated Shaq for affairs when he got busted? What a bitch nigga!

No Bitch Niggas

the true golden rule, deadass.
no bitch niggas, no snitch niggas, no twitch niggas, no fake switch niggas.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:26:54