

俚语 bottlebaby



1. Newborns and infants who are not breast-fed by their mothers or wet-nurse from birth; children bottle fed with man-made formula, cow, goat and other non-human milk.

2. An adult syndrome, neurosis or psychosis associated with fixation on female breasts caused by not being breast-fed; the condition can cause adult males to stare for hours at images of exposed female breasts, preferably in-person but usually on video while spanking the monkey. This affliction has caused the loss of millions of hours of relational and professional productivity; and has subjected the owners of these splendid protuberances to fawning, gawking and general harassment for a glimpse at the much sought after nipple and aureola.

3. A grown animal that you rescued as a newborn, and you bottle fed in the absence of its mother.
1. His mother's breasts did not produce any milk, so he became a bottlebaby from birth.

2. The bottlebaby couldn't get a good look down the waitresses' top because she was wearing a leotard.

The bottlebaby was sucking so hard on her tit she thought her nipple would rip right off.

Bottlebabies get a little chubby when the top meat is exposed, a full-blown erection at the sight of a nipple and a pearl jam eruption when she manipulates her boobs in any way; but preferably by pinching the nipple and gently pulling the breast away from her body, releasing and repeating.




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