bob de bouwer
Bouwt de moleculeeehhh
Friend: Hey fag
Me: Hit your brain
Friend: no u
Me: Bob de bouwer bouwt de moleculeeehhh
Me: Hit your brain
Friend: no u
Me: Bob de bouwer bouwt de moleculeeehhh
Best Jungler S/G
Best Trashtalker
Biggest Ego Player
VL Champion
Quits at the peak
Best Trashtalker
Biggest Ego Player
VL Champion
Quits at the peak
"Bouwer truly was an excellent player before he became staff"
Pulling a Bouwer
Proving that something is supposedly good by showing off your results in non-ranked games. Usually describes people that are stubborn.
"Oh look, Brad is pulling a Bouwer", "Come on, Travis don't pull a Bouwer you damn well know it's bad."