

俚语 box sex

Box Sex

When the receiving sexual partner, typically a female, is intentionally put inside a box for sexual purposes. The box is usually shut in such a way that the person inside can't escape without assistance, and there is usually a small air hole and a bigger "Sex Hole" where the vagina/anus is located. A Sex Box is normally used in a situation where a receiving partner wishes to be "used" by multiple people, and the box allows them to both be traded like "property" and allows the person on the outside to "use" him/her without caring about their looks, since all they see is the vagina and/or anus. Some variants include a mouth hole, and more permanent housing.
Guy 1: Where's your girlfriend?
Guy 2: Her and I had box sex last night.
Guy 1: So is she still in the box?
Guy 2: Yeah.
Guy 1: Really? Can I borrow your sex box?
Guy 2: Sure, I don't mind sharing her.

Box Sex

when four people give oral sex to each other in the shape of a square
Chad: "whens the box sex!?"
Michael: "sometime tomite, after you make me a sammich"

box sex

When two people hide in nearby cardboard boxes and masturbate until orgasm. As seen on Scrubs.
Elliot: Were you thinking about me?
Keith: I always think about you during box sex, you know that.

boom box sex

when you have sex with a girl, and you get a boom box. in return for an given orgasm, you will be rewarded with a boom box as a thank you gift. popular in the new england region and among asians
sandra- how do i have sex if im ugly
tommy- e z , just get a boom box as a gift
sandy- yea its boom box sex, all the ugly girls do it
steve- yea i once banged a girl for a my first sony, yo

Hot Box Sex

When you procede to cut a hole in a 2x2 cardboard box, place hole over your ladies face and poop in the box. remove anus, tape box closed, and let the lady wallow in the stench.
Evan: Hey, did you and her do anything fun?
Emily: fuck yeah. I gave her the hot box sex of her life.


A name given to x-box fanatics mainly used when they spend frequent amounts of time on their console.

The thought that the x-box gives the gamer extreme pleasure when playing.
- 'My life, my boyfriend must have been on his friggin sex-box till 4 this morning!'

'Damn girl, I hear ya, my man's the same!'

- 'I hear your girlfriends back from America?'

'Yeah man, I had a right session last night!'

'Did she enjoy it?'

'Nah man, I meant me and the sex-box.'

- 'You know what, I think me and my boyfriend might be splitting up!'

'What girl? Why - is everything okay?'

'No girl, he doesn't listen to me no more, never looks at me while I'm talking to him, and we never have sex anymore!'


'You got the same problem too, then?'

sex box

Another name for the x-box.
Girlfriend: "Hey baby we're hanging out tonight, right?"
Boyfriend: "Um, actually a few of my friends are coming over to play Halo 2."
Girlfriend: "Fine go play your stupid sex box since you love it more than me!"
Boyfriend: "Kay."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:32:41