There are 3 types of boxsè.
•Good Boxsè (Crazy in a good way)
•Boxsè (Average crazy)
•Bad Boxsè (Crazy in a bad way)
It means crazy or out of the ordinary.
•Good Boxsè (Crazy in a good way)
•Boxsè (Average crazy)
•Bad Boxsè (Crazy in a bad way)
It means crazy or out of the ordinary.
•Gurl! That dress is so Boxsè, in a good way tho.
•Omg, my dog was actin soups boxsè this morning
•Ugh, my mom is super boxsè in a bad way.
•Omg, my dog was actin soups boxsè this morning
•Ugh, my mom is super boxsè in a bad way.