

俚语 boy guy


A "Boy-guy" is typically a term used by females to describe a male that they are interested in, or have a "thing" with.

female #1: "So hows your Boy-guy Savannah???"

female #2: " Oh! he's amazing!"

female #1: "I have a new Boy-guy!!!"

Boy Guy

Used by individuals still in the closet regarding thier homosexuality as a term of endeerment to a longtime friend.
Your My BOY GUY! I luv you BOY-GUY!

Police man boy guy

Another way of calling an individual that controls another one waaayyy too much
Gary- I don't like it, you're not buying that!
Gerald- You always make decisions for me You're such a Police man boy guy!
Everyone in da store- *gasp*

Guy Boy

A “Guy boy” is the most hottest simpiest simp out there. If you get called a “Guy Boy” it’s the best compliment that you will ever get in your life! And if someone fits the mold for a “guy boy” than you should flirt with that simp right away.
Girl #1. Omg did you see Jake today?
Girl #2. Yea! He’s such a Guy Boy!
Girl #1. Yea I’m totally simpping!

Dat Boy, Dat Guy, Dat Dude

a title given to person of extraordinary prestige usu. someone who is known for getting things done.
(A limousine pulls up)
Jack- "Say who is that getting out the car"
Tim- "I dont know man"
Someone in the background- "That's Dat Boy, Dat Guy, Dat Dude Rock James. He's about to wreckshop on these cats. Dont let the babyface fool ya. Yo that cat peeps game from a distance like a contact lense. If you need to get something done, hollatcha boy."

"The Boys" Guy

I don't know his name... I could probably look it up... I probably should...
Hym "Ha! You get it? You get the joke? What "The Boys" guy did? You get it? I have to forgive him because he gave me laser eyes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:56:21