

俚语 bozrat


Racially derogative term referring to people from Eastern European countries.
Look at those Bozrats waiting to get picked up for a labouring job outside Wickes


An accurate analogy between though who originate from feral Eastern European states (usually ex-soviet and thus crappy) and their animal counter-part, a rat. Similar to how an Englishmen is compared to a lion. What makes a bozrat a bozrat are actions they usually take, these include but are not limited to; washing in building site sinks, eating pickled carp; catching killing and harvesting swan necks.

A bozrat can usually be spotted by either red trainers (unbranded more often than not); or clothes sourced from charity bins in supermarket car-parks.

"Did you just see that Bozrat in Asda's toilet having a scrub; he polished off a tin of dubious looking carp than meandered over to the charity bins in the car park and pulled out a pair of soiled strides"




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