

俚语 bradshaw's


To horde office supplies for your pleasure or amusement since you are tightwadded, dust farting, old goat.
Do we have any more paperclips? No, someone bradshawed all of them.


Used to describe a smooth, mesmirizing, nonchalantly sexy personality. These fortunate beings have a way that knows how to carress your soul. Most don't seem to notice their extreme sex appeal, or either they just do not care. Their presence is of mystery.
"Ellie! I just shit myself!"
"That bradshaw just loosened me up with his profound nature and velvet voice. We gotta go!!"


Noun: "a Bradshaw" or verb: "to Bradshaw"

RAF slang for gash navigator who has to follow railway lines in order to get back home. In reference to popular 19th century guides for rail travellers produced by George Bradshaw.
After knocking back a few Krauts, Nigel always has to Bradshaw his way back to base!

Nigel you're such a Bradshaw!


To get a large group of people super fucking excited about something they've been waiting for BUT IT'S A LIE. THE WAITING MUST CONTINUE.
Didn't mean to Bradshaw you guys when I said the housing email was out!

The Bradshaw

Getting naked in bed with someone just to make-out.
Guy 1- Dude, last night me and Erin got naked in bed!
Guy 2- Did you get it in bro?
Guy 1- Naw dude, she pulled the Bradshaw on me. I was as mad as Chris Brown when he dated Rhianna.


The correction of information you didnt even know was wrong; correction of misinformation normally on a facebook group in regards to cannabis.
I was totally bradshawed in a group today


Verb: To accidentally succeed while trying to fail.
The Producers totally Bradshawed Springtime for Hitler.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:48:00