

俚语 braggart


(n.) A person who is prone to braggadocio
Many people on this website, particularly those who make definitions of thier own country (See south Korea) are braggarts.

Back Door Braggart

n. A person who states a problem that they have with the express intention of letting everyone know how awesome they think they are, revealing their douche baggery to all.

v. Back Door Bragging: The act of expressing a false statement in order to set up the conversation to prove how (seemingly) fantastic the subject finds themselves.

effect: typically leads to eye rolls and general annoyance with subject.
Sarah: Lets go check out the new mall!

Lisa: Oh I hate clothes shopping anymore. Since I've been working out I can never find anything that fits because my waist is too tiny and my tits are too big. Life is so unfair!

Sarah: You're such a back door braggart, Lisa. Go fuck yourself.




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