

俚语 braille


Braille as most know is the writting system for blind people. It is made up of small bumps.

Braille also describes the nipples when they are errect, under a shirt. Cause it's cold, or the girl is horny. Usualy used to aleret a buddy to someone near.
"Yo, that chick has mad braille."


Language spoken by severely drunk people.
Peter was so blind last night, he was speaking braille.



To braille someone means to explore that person's face or body with the fingers as if reading text in Braille. May also be used by blind guys as a pick-up line ("May I braille you?").
"I Read Her Body Like Braille" is a poem by the Nigerian poet Toni Kan in his book "Songs of Absence and Despair."


Braille is a caucasian MC with records like "Timeless" and "Shades of Grey." If you appreciate a deeper form of hip hop, you should check him out. Except that he sings about God a lot for some reason.
Man did you see the Braille show last night? Fuckin SICK.


when searching for an object or feeling something that your eyes cannot see but your hands can feel.
i had to go brailling for my copy of stars wars episode one under the couch.


secret code word for marijuana, used in Pennsylvanian berbs.
"Annie, I need the braille"


"Do you know where the braille's at?"


When a male ejaculates all over his partner's eyes
I absolutely brailled that chick last night.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:54:17