

俚语 brain salad

Brain Salad

The effect of one's head/brain being annihilated by an object,whether it be a blunt object or the bullet(s)/Shell(s) of a gun, and the inertia of the head is a bloody brain tissue mixture which either is sprayed or projectiled in every possible direction.
Joe: This guy cut me off on my drive over here and it really pissed me off!

Bob: Did you do anything about it?

Joe: hell yeah i blew that cock-juggling-thunder-cunts brain salad all over the asphalt with my double-barreled shotgun.

Bob: "Nice"

Brain Salad

The green leafy substance thats also refered to as"WEED". However one can't call it weed in certain company, so its called brain salad.
Hey man,come on over tonight and enjoy a few bowls of some"brain salad"while we watch some tube.

Brain Salad Surgery

1. oral sex
2. Best Emerson, Lake & Palmer album

Brain Salad Surgery

The art of screwing with ones mind either with words or pictures. In the end, turning a level headed, methodical person into a minion
I performed brain salad surgery on this guy to the point he was convinced to vote against what he initially wanted.

Bush Brain Salad

Any ragu made from unidentifiable ingredients.
A little bistro on the West Bank served Bush Brain Salad with a fine Chateau Musar and garlic crisped pita on Wednesdays.

salad brain

Someone so absolutely unintelligent that their Intelligence Quotient can only be compared to that of a head of lettuce.
Caila can barely figure out how to open a door, she's such a salad brain!




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