

俚语 abrotion


Cutting a male friend out of your life. The equivalent of "breaking up" with one of your buddies.
Fuckin' Bruce was being such a tool the other night. He broke my microwave and then Carl said he saw him jerking off in my bathroom. I can't stand that dude's bullshit anymore. I'm gonna have to get an abrotion."


Leaving your friend behind or ditching them shortly after arriving to a party.
Chet reeked of Axe body spray, so Jay ran ahead and performed an abrotion.


When a bro has his broness removed by his female or signifigant other.
Dude I asked eric to go to the bar with us but his woman wouldn't let him go. I think he's gotten an abrotion."


stopping a friend from doing a terribly bro-y thing
Dude, I'm so glad my friend gave me an abrotion last night. I almost wore a double popped collar.


An exclamation said most often when trying to say "abort" but instead abrot comes out. This happens do to the terrible rotting feeling of missing someone, usually localized to the stomach or ab region of the body. Thus, ab-rot is said.
Jenki: It's so weird with you Rari. I think I'll just abort the situation...
Rari: Wowowweewow! You must really miss me a lot Jenks, you're speaking funny.

Tyler the producers(AKA JAMESKII) satanic abrotion pizzeria

A very bad,no good,horrible restaurant that should be closed in a day by an admin on the darkRP server.
Hey Todd? Have you heard about that one restaurant? Thats just a Tyler the producers(AKA JAMESKII) satanic abrotion pizzeria. Dont go there


That special sinking feeling you get when you do something and you instantly realize that you've damned yourself with that action.
Oh shit, did I just do that? I'm totally getting an abrotion right now.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:50:35