

俚语 brenelle



A person with great will and ditermination.

Never loses hope and helps people. Tries to solve problems so others can be happy.

Her love is strong. Is a loyal companion. Very stubborn. Anger is at the tip of her/his nose.

Great personality. Extremely cute. A person who get her/him is very lucky.

Mentally strong and very calm during situations. Very emotional and romantic.
Oh my god here come brenelle.

She is such a brenelle


A noun which means potato. It is used to describe how crazy, fun, also sweet, the person is.
Look! A wild Brenelle has been spotted!


A tough boy who doesn't care what anybody thinks about him, cute, fun and smart. Likes sports and is adorable. All the girls fall for him, but he know when he's met the one for him. If you have a Brenel in your life, I would really want to be you right about now.
Hey have you seen brenel and that girl who was with him? They are so adorable together.

I know right. I would die to be that girl right now.




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