Briannalynn is a wonderful, talented, smart, funny, pretty girl who is most of the time correct on everything! She has her down moments, but she gets through them and comes out stronger then ever! She is a very tender hearted person who's feelings are found easier to see In her eyes... Briannalynn loves and cherishes all of her friends and likely tends to fall in love easily with animals. She occasionally likes\\loves the wrong people and does not like sharing her true inner feelings with anyone... Not even family... Briannalynn is one of the best people u can have in ur life. If u want someone to love u, she is the right person! She will help guide u in ur worst moment and will be there for u when u need her. He will lobe everyone in her life deeply and rarely takes anything for granted... This girl is the best thing that will ever happen to u... Don't let her go, and definitely do not mess ur shot with her up... Briannalynn gets mad easily and jealousy runs wild in her mind... She might seem nice on the outside but there is a fire on the inside deep down where no one goes... That sends hell ur way... If u make her mad, give her a few days before u talk to her again... Then talk it out with her, apologize, explain urself, and she will most certainly forgive and forget
Briannalynn is one of the best people I have ever met in my life!!❤