

俚语 absolute bitch

absolute bitch

A woman who manipulates you so that she can have an excuse to moan and bitch
"she asked me where I had been after work and I said at the gym then she said I had not been at work because I was in my gym clothes and I said okay whatever then I got shouted at for giving her attitude" ...Absolute bitch

Absolute Bitch

Grace is an Absolute Bitch

You get absolutely no bitches

the person gets no fucking female's and should get some
A fuckboy named Timmy: hahaha you failed.
A n8gga that absolutely gets bitches: hop off my tip you get absolutely no bitches

U get absolute 0 Bitches

You Get 0 Play
Nathan U get absolute 0 Bitches Where ya hoes at




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:09:57