

俚语 broken dreams

Broken Dreams

Dreams or goals that may never come true.
I hope my future isn't filled with broken dreams.

broken dreams

adj. n.

Broken dreams can describe any situation where your life is just so sad and funny at the same time. It can range from waking up to a dirty hotel room to waking up next to a dirty whore.
The hampton shack smelled of broken dreams the night after the sex fest

broken dreams

When the condom explodes inside your girl or guy if you are into that kind of thing.....
After sex I noticed the condom was gone and my girl told me it must have been broken dreams.

boulevard of broken dreams

1.Green Day song

2.Place where all manners of subculture devotees put in the 'Location' entry on any site they may join.

3.New and exciting way of whining about how depressed you are.
1.I'm listening to Boulevard of broken dreams.

Location:Boulevard of broken dreams

3.Dude,I'm walking on the boulevard of broken dreams, man. Kristi had sex with that sailor guy again!

boulevard of broken dreams

A song by Green Day. It was great at first, but was overplayed by alternative rock stations, and was raped of its musical...goodness. To all the people that said this was Green Day's best song, I really hope you have heard some of their other songs....I have, and I can tell you right now, that this is definately not their best song (in my opinion, anyway)...this is how radio ruins great music....
Wow, I just heard boulevard of broken dreams....for the tenth time today....*twitch*

The night of broken dreams.

Any round of cuts from American Idol or other talent show.
I like to watch the auditions shows from American Idol. Many people think that they can sing, but when they make it to the judges it will be the night of broken dreams.

boulevard of broken dreams

this song is one of green day's newer songs. it is WAY too overplayed on the radio. if you say to someone "hey whats your favorite green day song?" and the say "Boulevard of broken dreams!" you can tell that they are a poser. a real green day fan likes brain stew, pulling teeth, when i come around, etc.
person 1-i love green day! my favorite song is boulevard of broken dreams!!!
person 2-go listen to a real green day song! YOU POSER!




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