

俚语 brolax


A form of lacrosse engaged in by bros, involves cradling for extended periods of time and occasionally playing catch. Standard equipment for bro lax includes cargo or plaid shorts,
a polo with a popped collar and a flow, also a lax stick. A
"bro-laxer" doesn't necessarily have to play lacrosse he just
has to think he does or has been playing for a short time.
Real lacrosse players are not bro-laxers.
Joe: Hey... Como...a little brolax?
Como: Sounds like my college days when i used to don cargo shorts.


the experience when some brosephs are chillin with nothing to worry about such as dead hookers and over-due taxes.
Pep: "Yo man I got the new movie to watch tonight and my pad is set up for maximum brolaxation, wanna come over?"

Ian: "Yea man, also because you're so cool and funny and handsome."

Pep: "K man you don't need to suck my wang im not a bromosexual or anything."


Bro-lax-ing (verb) when five or more tools, commonly referred to as bros, get together to partake in a chill lacrosse game, and then split a case of natty ice.
Yo Chad, we should totally get the broskies for a quick brolaxing session. Natty ice on me.


A douchy alternative to “Nice move Exlax.”
“Dude, you just broke the beer pong table, nice move brolax!”




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