

俚语 bromail


Offering to take the fall for something that someone else did, but only if they give you something in return. Blackmailing a bro to be a bro.

Coined by reddit user u/doesthisonework1 based on post by u/DominionGhost
"I was 17 and my truck got a ticket from one of those photo rader things for driving like 40km/h over the speed limit. Mom was furious with me, 'HOW DARE YOU DRIVE LIKE A MANIAC I RAISED YOU BETTER' and all that. But I wasn't driving that day, my dad had borrowed my truck for something. I asked him how much it was worth it to him for me to not tell mom about that little fact knowing that she'd turn on him with the fury of an angry mama bear."

"And that's how I bromailed my dad into buying me a new HDTV."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:52:00