a name to describe your friends or niggas that you are close to you
omg thats my broskii DEDE rite there
Like a bro but specifically a drinking buddy. This person is usually a white male wearing wife beaters and owns a truck as well as being a rinking buddy. Also is looked at as a wingman when drinking with others.
"Dude, I am drinking with my broskii tonight."
Manager/Player for Critical Ops, he is free to manage clans, direct message him on Discord (Broskii#6666).
Broskii C-OPS (Youtube)
@ManagerBroskii (Twitter)
Broskii C-OPS (Youtube)
@ManagerBroskii (Twitter)
Manager/Player for Critical Ops, he is free to manage clans, direct message him on Discord (Broskii#6666).
Broskii C-OPS (Youtube)
@ManagerBroskii (Twitter)
Broskii C-OPS (Youtube)
@ManagerBroskii (Twitter)