

俚语 brown-housing


1. verb. present tense : brown-housing; past tense: brown-housed The act of one who is proud of their bowel movement achievement to the extreme that one leaves the fecal log in the toilet without flushing so that in a multi-person home can be found by an unsuspecting housemate.
We had to evict him for brown-housing.

Brown house

When you hotbox an area with your fart.
I was driving with Sheila and I totally brown housed her car.

I hate Kyle. I want to break into his house and brown house every room.

Sometimes I like to to wander around brown housing my friends' apartments.

Brown House

(Broun-Houz) Adj, Verb, Noun
1. A level of status. Typically used in reference of being physically, or mentally damaged in any way.
2. Used to describe anything horrid in any degree.
3. The act of Brown Housing.
4. Alfredo, Tai, Sam, and Shon.
5. The new "Fucked Up."
1.(Physically) Alfredo: OW! Man, i just Brown Housed my finger by slamming it on my finger.
2.(Mentally) Minutes after Sam took a sip of that wine cooler, he threw up due to being too Brown Housed
3. Shone likes to date Brown House looking girls!

Carolina Brown House

a term used when sticking your penis into a girls anus or vagina and then take dog shit and smear it all over her ass.
Travis, I gave Natalie a Carolina Brown House the other night.

Brown House

Brown House has the same concept of a green house with the exception of your own natural gas... Get in a small room or car with another person (girlfriend, wife, friend, etc.) close all the windows and doors and let a rank assed fart loose, preferably after eating at Taco Bell and on a nice hot day. The resulting brown cloud will turn that area into a Brown House.
Dude, Sharkey was being a total pain in the ass, so as soon as he got in the car, I locked the the windows and doors and let one rip... Total Brown House!

brown house pink shudders

Another way of saying pussy,meaning to a black female(the house being brown and the shudders being pink,because its all pink inside,,as for the dumbass that tryed to write the meaning,here you go!
da whiteboy got curious and hit the brown house pink shudders

Brown the house down

Browning the house down is a very complex plan that takes action at a large party. (Graduation, birthday, etc) First of all you must not shit starting at least 3 days before the party while eating food like Taco Bell and taco johns. Get about 5 people to do this. Now when the day of the party comes you and your five friends must disappear in the middle of the party to the bathroom. You didn't forget the laxatives did you?! Of course fucking not! That's the most important part! Now once all six of you have downed a good amount of laxatives it's time to clog that toilet! Stuff one roll of 4 ply toilet paper down that shitter maybe two if you're feeling crazy. Can you feel that? That's the laxatives kicking in! Now you and your buddies must take turns shitting in that clogged ass toilet. After that is over flush that fucker and run! Watch as the owner of the house freaks out as shit water comes seeping out under the door. Congrats you have officially browned the house down!
Person 1: Hey man did you hear about bills party next week?

Person 2: Hell yeah! You wanna brown the house down?

Person 1: Totally I'll text some people and tell them not to take a shit for a while.

Person 2: sweet I'll bring the laxatives!




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