Brownie Thunder
1. The result of a vigorous and invasive session of anal sex, during which, fecal matter (specifically diarrheal) is suddenly and forcefully ejected onto the dominant participant.
2. A daily special item on a Culver's sign, usually listed (without punctuation) amongst several collectively unappetizing meals.
2. A daily special item on a Culver's sign, usually listed (without punctuation) amongst several collectively unappetizing meals.
1. That bitch didn't tell me she was hammering back Thai food all day before we had buttsex. The sheer velocity of the brownie thunder nearly knocked me on my ass.
2. Cream of potato brownie thunder tuna melt.
2. Cream of potato brownie thunder tuna melt.
Technicolor Brownie thunder
A group sex act where the group goes out to eat, then takes a large dose of Ipecac and ex-lax and copulates in a public place.
Joe- "Have you ever done a technicolor brownie thunder?"
Sue-"No..." *backs away slowly*
Sue-"No..." *backs away slowly*