

俚语 academic decathlon

Academic Decathlon

founded in the sixties by some guy from orange co. California.

Where a group of nine kids get together and study for a year on a designated topic (i.e. ancient civlizations) in hope to master 10 different skill areas. Incredibly hard competition at the national level and most likely california will win.

a joke is some states, and serious business in others.

a safe haven for the incredibly nerdy or naturally brilliant.
U.S.A.D. . . . umm it was fun and i learned stuff, but best of all it looks good on my resume`.

Academic Decathlon

a team of 9 nerds who have decided that they can't seem to get enough of school, so they stay a while longer and train to be "decathletes." smart teams win county, and possibly state (unless you're in cali, when you'll work your ass off sept-feb, win county, and get your brain handed to you on a silver platter by Moorpark/ECR/Granada)
1. Do you have any free time?
-no, i am on academic decathlon

2. How was the formal?
-for decathlon?

Academic Decathlon

Intellectual challenge whereby contestants:
1. Swim the English Channel while spelling all the words in the Oxford dictionary that start with the letter "E"
2. Rid a bicycle while reciting Ophelia's role from "Hamlet"
3. Run six miles wearing a graduation cap with tassel while singing old college drinking songs.
Winner gets to become a member of the Supreme Court.
I wonder if the Academic Decathalon will provide us with a conservative or a liberal?

Academic Decathlon

THE premier scholastic competition for AWESOME SMART PEOPLE!
Academic Decathlon is so cool. I won lots of medals.

Academic Decathlon

(AD for short) a club in which you study your ass of to prove who knows the most useless information than who and also to determine who has the most prowess.
Who has the most prowess in your AD team.

Academic Decathlon

A source of immensely funny words of the "day" (chairness). Also a great place for smart slackers to discuss every single thing ever.
May be used as and adjective, or noun.
Abbr. AcaDeca.
That guy's so AcaDeca, that he should get a gold just for acting the part.

I'm going to an AcaDeca meeting on Thursday night at 5:30-7:30 at the high school in World Language 107.

Academic Decathlon

1) Making absurd or funny comments in the back of the class, and get a great response.
2) A competition wherein requires hours upon hours of studying
3) To spend hours writing a speech that you know will never be given to anyone outside of the classroom.
4) To be Ghetto
1) Jimmy's comment was so Academic Decathlon, the teacher even laughed.
2) Academic Decathlon can be a PAIN IN THE ASS, but I love the class.
3) I Academic Decathloned for about 6 months now. It sucks that all that work, and building myself up has come to absolutely nothing.
4) AYE bee awl Academic Decathlon awn yoh izznazz ihf yoo downt bak awf.




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