

俚语 bruising


Anal sex. The male inserts the penis into the female (or male) anus, and thrusts outward and inward. See also : Butt fucking, ass sex, fag festivity
I'm ganna bruise her good, mothafucka!


Not quite as good at fighting as Bruce Lee but pretty darn close.
Jackie Chan is very bruisely.


a discoloration in the skin from a ruptured vein, this can also be called a "hicky" sometimes.
She came in to the cafeteria after x period and I noticed a bruise on her neck, thigh, and foot. I realized then either she got her ass jumped after she left or I'm gonna get my ass beat after I leave the cafe

The bruise

To bruise a girl with your penis.
1 "Hey man what did you do last night"
2 "I did, "the bruise""


Getting so drunk that you find bruises on youself the next day.
I can't believe how bruised I was last night at the club, I have purple welts all over my body to prove it!

Let's go get bruised! I haven't had a good bruising since New Years Eve.


Temporarily hurt or emotionally upset
You bruised, bro?


A verd. Eqivalent of burn, to diss someone. An insult used by the third party after first part makes fun of a second party.

George: That lady is hawt.
Paco: Your mom is hawt.

On man, you got bruised!

That's a bad bruise!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!




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