When you take a shit and wank at the same time =)
I was up all night just brunka bro, felt soo good-
A technic discovered in the ancient Timbuktu society by Victor in collaboration with Mänty. It depicts the event when one poops and jerk off simultaneously.
I feel l have an urge to brunka in the school toilet.
Swedish term. Used for when you shit and masturbate at the same time.
Boy 1 Jag brunkade så hårt igår
Boy 2 Men usch fy fan vad är ditt problem?!
Boy 2 Men usch fy fan vad är ditt problem?!
Brunka stee
Brunka stee is a word. But i dunno how to explain just search it up in the linus dictionary. Www.Linus\\
Oh my brunka stee!