

俚语 brylle


The greatest guy you'll ever know. Brylles are brave people. You can not mess with brylles. Unless you want to get your ass kicked. But brylles are also a very genuine and loving person. They will give everything and anything they can once they fall in love with someone. If you have found a brylle in your life, don't let them go.
Oh you're so brave, are you a brylle?

Bryll Relationship

When you aren't actually going out with someone but you do all the same things that a couple does. e.g. making out and going to movies with each other
Person 1: "Have you seen Sam and Bella making out?"
Person 2: "Yeah I know its weird because they're not even in a relationship"
Person 1: "They're in a Bryll relationship"

Chucked a brylle

Doesn't necessarily have to be on a drunken night out, but when a mate goes out actively looking to hook up with married or females in a relationship.
Hey bro that DJ just chucked a brylle backstage after his gig with the securities misso.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:12:47