

俚语 b syndrome

Lowercase b syndrome

When a person ,usually short and with a heavyset/ rounder body type is attracted to someone taller and slimmer. When they are next to each other their silhouette forms a lowercase “b”
Why is someone 5f5 and never works out attracted to only tall slim girls?
He must have lowercase b syndrome

E & B syndrome

Indicating high magnitude ignorance and/or ineptitude - Not knowing one's Elbow from one's Backside.
Microsoft Word's automagic spelling checker/correcter displays a serious example of E & B Syndrome; especially when it changes - on the run - something as simple and useful as "accident prone area" to "accident porn area."

B band syndromes

(Adjective) Connor
Wow I think this kid has B band syndromes

B-sides Syndrome

Almost like hipsters,a person with B-sides syndrome likes to give major importance to the songs that do not appeal to the general public
Alex:I really like kaiser Chiefs.

Costa:I like them but I prefer the wierd dark songs they have,the ones that no one likes.

Basilio:Fuck you,you have B-sides Syndrome!

B&R Syndrome

having a lot in common with a really sweet and decent looking guy who likes you a ton but having NO feelings for him at ALL
R: He's soooo sweet but I feel NOTHING
B: i TOTALLY GETCHU!! Like!!!! Omg!
R: I wish I liked him :( Another day with B&R Syndrome....

B. Looney Syndrome

The ability to get any girl you want and blow it up to 15 minutes before you actually get with her.
Yo Dude, that girl from the party last night wanted to jump my bones real bad, and we were about to get to business when i got a bad case of B. Looney Syndrome

B syndrome

When a very beautiful or gorgeous highschool girl only dates guys from her highschool that happen to be the fuggliest people around but she swears they are attractive.
Girl 1: “Omg did you see who Annelise is dating??”
Girl 2: “Wait is it that really ugly guy from 3rd period”

Girl 1: “yessss her standards are in the depths of hell”
Girl 2: “she could do so much better like she looks like a model”
Girl 1: “she has a case of b syndrome”




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