

俚语 bubble boy

bubble boy

a male with an over protective mother
that keeps him locked in a "bubble"
man you can never do anything your a bubble boy

bubble boy

bubble boy is a very attractive man. a ladies man in fact, if u mess with him or the bubble boy gang, he will shove you into a meat grinder and turn you into McDonald’s cheeseburgers.
girl i have a huge crush on bubble boy!
other girl no he’s mine! i love bubble boy

bubble boy

a guy that just like a bubble pops too quick
my boyfriend is a bubble boy... he cant keep it up for too long

bubble boy

Someone who has been in a gym lifting weights and loves to show off their muscles afterwards by wearing their tank top in public places.
Who does this bubble boy think he is?

Bubble Boy

Someone who's always sick
"Hey Johnno, you coming out tonight?"
"Nah I can't, I've got a sore throat."
"Fuck you Bubble Boy!"

Bubble Boy

boy in the plastic bubble is used to describe a person who must live in a microbiologically sterile environment for medical reasons
David Vetter (1971–1984), a victim of Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome, was forced to live in a sterile environment. Bubble Boy became popular as "the boy in the plastic bubble".

Bubble Boy

Someone who finishes just below being in the money in a poker tournament aka "the bubble".
I just played a 5 hour tournament and finished below the money. Being the bubble boy sucks.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:46:10