

俚语 bubble challenge

Bubble Challenge

A bathroom game mostly played by guys. It's when you are pissing and you try to cover the entire toilet water surface with bubbles using your frothy urine stream.
I knew it was going to be a good day when I woke up and was able to complete the bubble challenge in under 10 seconds.

dirty bubble challenge

Dirty bubble challenge: 1) 6 vape hits(buzz plunge) 2) shot of booze 3) bong rip 4) shotgun beer or chug a Smirnoff ice 5) blow vape bubbles
Hey Thomas! Do you want to do the dirty bubble challenge tonight?

The Dirty Bubble Challenge

The Dirty Bubble Challenge is formally known from spongebob, but in this definition it is used quite differently. The Dirty Bubble Challenge is a sex position where you flip your girl upside down and spread her legs, then for a whole week repeatedly smack her asshole while jerking off, all while screaming darnit after every smack
Hey bro! I just finished the Dirty Bubble Challenge with Jessica last week and man, that shit was great




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:36:11