

俚语 bubblegum bitch

Bubblegum Bitch

A girl who dates you and then pops your heat like bubblegum and doesn't care.

See song bubblegum bitch by Marina and the diamonds
Guy: she broke my heart like it didnt even matter
girl: she was just a bubblegum bitch

Bubblegum Bitch

She's Miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, she'll hit you with her sweet love, steal you with a kiss.
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch

Bubblegum Bitch

She's miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, she'll hit you with her sweet love, steal you with a kiss.
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch!

Bubblegum Bitches

A pretty girl who breaks boys heart for the fun of it. May also be dumb
GUY: She's so hot
FRIEND: Oh no you don't , she is one of those Bubblegum Bitches

Bubblegum Bitches

Girls who often walk around wearing bright clothes, are stupid, act stuck up and conceited, look kinda good and chew bubble gum ALL THE DAMN TIME...in a consistent, annoying, loud way. Girls like these often are of low intelligence.
Me and my friend were walking down the street when we saw two bubblegum bitches pass by.

Bubblegum Bitch-fit

When somebody annoys you so much that you resort to sticking gum in their hair.
boy: would you look at that ass, dayum
girl: say what???
boy: don't worry babe, I'm just looking
girl: don't make me throw another bubblegum bitch-fit cause you won't have any hair left when I finish with you!




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