Buddha Shuffle
An unusual form of walking often performed by people that sag their pants. The shuffle allows the pants to remain on the legs without falling off. The performer of the Buddha shuffle pivots his/her body along the axis of each leg while keeping their arms locked to the side of the legs
Alternately, the performer of the Buddha shuffle can sing the lyrics "Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha, Rockin' Everywheya. This adds to the effect of the shuffle.
Alternately, the performer of the Buddha shuffle can sing the lyrics "Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha, Rockin' Everywheya. This adds to the effect of the shuffle.
Buddha Shuffler - "Buddha Buddha Buddha Rockin' Everywheya"
On Looker 1 - What is that guy doin'?
On Looker 2 - Oh, That's just the Buddha Shuffle, It keeps his pants from falling down
On Looker 1 - Oh, ok then.
On Looker 1 - What is that guy doin'?
On Looker 2 - Oh, That's just the Buddha Shuffle, It keeps his pants from falling down
On Looker 1 - Oh, ok then.