

俚语 accidental porn

Accidental Porn

When a person makes a seemingly innocent search on google images and somehow all the results are obscene images.
Dude 1:Dude, I searched Christmas on google to get some decoration ideas and all I got was a bunch of Santa porn.

Dude 2: Sounds like you found some good ol' Accidental Porn.

Accidental porn star move

When your banging your chick so hard for so long that you develope a cramp and while trying to shake it off you accidentally hit her spot causing her to yell "Oh yeah right there."
guy #1 last night I got a charlie horse and totally

pulled an accidental porn star move on my chick.

guy #2 That's cool.

guy#1 No it aint. I have no idea what I did.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:23:44