

俚语 bud lighted

Bud Lighted

To be canceled by proud American Patriots.
Woke stores are being Bud Lighted.

Bud Light

When a large company has a marketing campaign completely backfire which causes the company to lose a lot of money and standing in the public.

This usually happens when a company tries to virtue signal, alienating the long-time supporters of the company who realize that the company cares more about pandering to an extremely small group of people than it does about the financial support of its regular customers. In these instances, the company loses a large percent of their market share to other companies that decided against taking a ridiculous stance on a topic du jour.
Guy 1- Hey, did you see Target's new product line and add campaign?
Guy 2- Yeah, my wife told me that she's not going to shop there any more. Looks like Target just pulled a Bud Light!

bud light

A man or boy who shows signs of belonging to a minority in sexual orientation.
- Enough with the transhumanist agenda!

- Well I think TikToking and advertising such as Dylan Mulvaney with Budweiser is completely normal and wholesome.

- Ok bud light, whatever you say.

bud light

The urine collected from a horse that has drank Budweiser. It is then watered down to a weak alcoholic bevarage for momos.
"Hey Bro want a Bud Light."
"Nah I'm not a momo."

Bud light

The stuff that you drink when you don’t know if you’re male or female. Usually the bottle is used after for anal pleasure
Hey Bobby, wanna play bud light in the butt butt tonight? Sure Dale, I’ll grab us a 6 pack for later on, Tall boys ;)

bud light

piss water.
Guy 1: Hey can you pass me a bud light?

Guy 2: Oh you mean a piss water? sure!

Bud light

The gayest beer of all time because someone at Anheuser-Busch InBev thought it was a good idea to advertise with a transgender person that was the biggest mistake ever , now because of this everybody is boycotting bud light
If you drink bud light you are gay , do not buy this shit




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:48:18