Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
The longest sentence in the English language that is grammatically correct and comprised of only one word.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Buffalo from Buffalo that other buffalo from Buffalo buffalo also buffalo buffalo from Buffalo.
Person A: "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
Person B: "Cool story, dude."
Person B: "Cool story, dude."
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo on a ship-shipping ship shipping shipping-ships while doing the can-can can-can can can can can can-can
a sentence that is gramatically correct and shows superiority over all even those whom say "whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es"
Person 1:"whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es names their kid 'person 2'?"
Person 2:"Oh yeah? Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo on a ship-shipping ship shipping shipping-ships while doing the can-can can-can can can can can can-can"
Peraon 2:"I'm sorry, I see the error of my ways"
Person 2:"Oh yeah? Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo on a ship-shipping ship shipping shipping-ships while doing the can-can can-can can can can can can-can"
Peraon 2:"I'm sorry, I see the error of my ways"