

俚语 bug bite

Bug Bite

A person, "person A," who continues to annoyingly follow another person, "person B," around in an attempt to hook up with him/her. The act of "scratching" the Bug Bite is when person B decides to hook up with person A, regardless of the annoying nature of person A.
Sarah: I was at this party, and Shane got really drunk and was being a real Bug Bite to me.
Jessica: Well did you scratch it?
Sarah: Yeah...
Jessica: *shakes head in disgust*

Bug Bite

A hiccy from a bug
Yo dude, nice bug bite...

Bug Bite

Another way or nickname or "Hickey" since many young teenagers use this as an excuse and always get busted for bad lying.
John Hey whats that on your neck?

Valerie oh its a bug bite i got from my boyfriend.

John Cool!

Bug Bites

-A person who has boobs/man-boobs and is not in anyway wearing a bra, so you can see the boobs straight through there shirt.
Ew, look at that guy he has big bug-bites!

Ewh, look at that girl, she totally has bug bites!

bug bite fetish

When a person is attracted to receiving bug bites
Person 1: did you hear Johnny has a bug bite fetish?
Person 2: is that a jojo’s reference?

Religious Bug Bite

When a person has been inspired, decide to change their character, and/or do good just from joing a new religion or learning a new one. Most of the time people who get this undergo changes to their outlook on things, outter appeareance, and demeanor. Sometimes a positive or negative change for a person. Depending on who...
Guy: have u seen Tim? He really turn his life around after joining that new religious circle. Guy two: oh yeah i heard. Didn't he got that religious bug bite a few days ago though?

Let the bed bugs bite

A metaphor
Yo what is let the bed bugs bite??

A metaphor




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:30:38