

俚语 bug's life

Bug's Life

Living an anti-social or boring life. Not doing anything exciting or anything with friends; a loser.
Tom: I asked Ben to go out tonight with us but he says he'd rather stay home
Jim: As usual
Tom:Yeah fuck that kid, he's living a Bug's Life

It’s a bug’s life

Used when one is referring to working a lot and potentially having less social time
“I don’t know, bro. I’ve been working so much lately”

“Yeah, man. It’s a bug’s life.”


A street gang of traveling funky dirty kids, whom embrace the existence of bugs. It is not uncommon for bugs to be living somewhere on their body, or at least passing through, or even being eaten as a nutritious snack. They like to live for free as much as possible (like bugs do), but it wouldn't be unusual to find one spanging people to buy some booze.
Ya I got lice" "Can I eat some?" "Fuck ya BUG LIFE!!!!!

Your eating a chipolte buritou in the lake while your showring with paranas.... how do you know that fortnite isnt avalible in 2017 the game is still going to this day. you have to go into the soil and meet bugs life.... THE MOVIE

The awnser to everthing.
someone: "Why do girls twerk"?
Me: "thats a trick question"
someone: "what"
Me: listen....Your eating a chipolte buritou in the lake while your showring with paranas.... how do you know that fortnite isnt avalible in 2017 the game is still going to this day. you have to go into the soil and meet bugs life.... THE MOVIE"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:28:24