

俚语 accusationalist's


A person who makes baseless accusations towards others in effort to claim a subjective moral high-ground in an attempt to win an argument by default, while discrediting the other person as biased. The accusations are intended to be extremely insulting to slander your character, and incite others into believing that you're a person that carries no societal value.

An accusationalist is often unwilling to justify their position and is usually incapable of divorcing emotion from their argument. Their accusations towards others are formed by their own prejudice and bias, and generalize the opposing point of view as entirely invalid due to their superior "self-approved" morals.

Ironically, an accusationalist's accusations towards others are exclusionary, racist in their own right. They will attempt to discredit your position based on your race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or age.

Common accusations are: Racist, Bigot, Hitler, Nazi, Anti-<race/group of people>, <race/group of people>-hate, Sexist, Misogynist, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, Nazi, Supremacist, Alt-Right, Trumper, Boot-licking, Bible-thumping, Capitalist, Warmongering, Boomer, Gun-Loving, Republicunt

Other accusations can include, and are not limited to: Socialist, Communist, Snowflake, Zoomer, Pedophile loving, Anti-American (obviously can be expanded), Gun-Hating, "On Welfare," Libtard
Left-Winger: Jordan Peterson is an absolute fucking Nazi, and the world would be better if he died when he got sick because he's anti-trans and racist. Mis-gendering is violence! Jordan Peterson is actually worse than Hitler.

Right-Winger: No, you fucking Commie! You just want to melt all genders together so it fucks up kids minds so they're easier to bone, you pedo lover.

Left-Winger: I saw that political sign in your yard last year. No one cares what you have to say because you are straight and a RAAACISTTT. Fucking gun-toting alt-right Cis-white male.

Right-Winger: ???????? You're white too, Tanner.

Rational Person: You're both being accusationalists, by throwing around baseless insults to win an emotionally-charged argument. I wish you all would just stop arguing and talk with each other without getting offended. It's okay to believe in something and take a stance; but, that's not an excuse to hurl around your own ideas as if their supremely correct. We won't solve any problems we face as a society unless we stop hating each other and start working together. You two really need to take a deep breath, relax, and remember that you live next door to each other. All of our kids ride the same school bus.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:42:33