

俚语 accusatricks


A female plaintiff who uses sneaky less-than-honest-'n'-honorable tactics to appear legit in her complaints against others.
Too often, a poor innocent dude is a victim of an accusatricks in a court of law; one of the best pathetically-dishonest strategies that said gold-digging biddy uses is to call in one or more fellow lying hussies as "witnesses" to add their own crocodile-tear-drenched false/exaggerated testimony against said unfortunate guy, and since courts are so often prejudiced in favor of "the weaker and fairer sex", their word tends to be believed more readily, whereas the burden of proof mostly rests with the man. Many a mostly-or-totally-innocent male prison-inmate is there merely because some lying b***h falsely accused him of something, and either the judge/jury just automatically believed her over him, and/or she gave said black-robed scoundrel a blowjob or other intimacy-related "favor" as payment for his ruling in her favor.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:46:00