The highest form of stupid or untrue talk or writing or behavior(antics); extreme nonsense.
talk or behave in “the most” or “to the most extreme levels” of nonsense to or at (someone), typically without care and can be premeditated, misleading, or deceptive in a manner or antic, that disrupts (someone’s) life or the lives of a group of people and/or a society.
The highest form of stupid or untrue talk or writing or behavior(antics); extreme nonsense.
talk or behave in “the most” or “to the most extreme levels” of nonsense to or at (someone), typically without care and can be premeditated, misleading, or deceptive in a manner or antic, that disrupts (someone’s) life or the lives of a group of people and/or a society.
“In other news, we see in Austin, TX that Mr. Jeffrey Rivera’s antics have surpassed normal bullshit. Coming very close to a never before seen, bullcantic high.”
“Jeffrey Rivera, your bullshit is becoming bullcantic”
“Jeffrey Rivera, your actions, your antics, are becoming dangerously bullcantic”
“Jeffrey Rivera, your bullshit is becoming bullcantic”
“Jeffrey Rivera, your actions, your antics, are becoming dangerously bullcantic”