

俚语 acehole


a person who aces all their test and proceeds to tell everyone that they have a higher grade than them.
Rob: Cindy keeps telling me about her 100 on her chemistry test
Mike: Me too. She's such an acehole.


A huge fag. Incredibly unfunny. Tries his hardest to fit in, and still falls flat on his face.
Jeff is a huge acehole. We all hate him very much.


Friends who make plans and then ditch at the last minute - even when you are already at the bar or restaurant.
Don't bother making plans to meet up with Pete - he's such an acehole that you'll be sitting at the bar alone all night.


An asexual person who will lead you on and then run away, making them an asshole.
Timothy is a real acehole. We talked for hours; he bought me drinks; he told me we should go line-dancing sometime. I thought he really liked me, but then he bolted without explanation when I tried to hold his hand. I haven't heard from him since.


A word describing a person who serves an ace in a volley ball game and is then an asshole about it.
Acehole: "6 serving 3. (Acehole serves) Yes, ace! In your face noobs! My grandma can return a serve better than that. Why don't you just walk off the court now before I crush you again?"


A hypocritical, illiterate, autistic, alcoholic blowhard who thinks he/she is a genius but actually suffers from delusions of grandeur and over-inflates self importance and worth to society. The Acehole is indigenous to Southern California, a place they have never left or lived outside of but somehow they are an expert on foreign cultures/practices/norms.
I was such an acehole when I destroyed Gavin Newsom for not having the modality to be wired like I am. It's weird, right? Family and Education!


An subscriber of the Youtube Channel: TheOriginalAce.
Lets see what the aceholes have been commenting.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:21:29