

俚语 bum chumming

bum chumming

2 guys doubling on a motorcycle or scooter or anything that men shouldn't ride with another man
there was only 1 scooter so we had to bum chum

bum chum

An English word for a gay person.
Terrance, did you see Oliver sipping tea with his new bum chum?

bum chum

An overly friendly humanoid of the masculine variety with a preference for other males. They like to spend their time investigating cracks and crevices. Favourite games include Hide the Sausage and Where's the Salami. Often answers to the name Jimmy, James, Jimbo or Jimbob.
Chrissy: BumChumSayWhat?
Jimbob: WhhhaaaAAaaaAAaaatttt????

bum chums

Australian Slang

best friends, mates, chummy, friends you feel totally comfortable with
John and I are bum chums!

bum chum

A Bum chum is a male boyfriend to another male.
Elton John is David Fernishes "Bum Chum"

bum chum

Two males that enjoy giving each other anal pleasure, through the insertion of the penis into the tight orifice (or sometimes loose) of the anal cavity.
"Well young sir, i heard Trizzo and Ratboy are quite the bum chums"

bum chum

A slang term for a man or teenage boy who is gay i.e. likes making love via the rectum, either:-
- likes putting his cock in his partner's butt
- likes his partner putting their cock in his butt
Rachel: 'Wow, Jason is so cute, I'd love to be his girlfriend'
Emma: 'Sorry Rachel, he's a bum chum, he wouldn't be interested'.
Rachel: 'Damn it'.




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