

俚语 bumkineer


a typical small town person that knows no better
this bumkineer siting behind me really staring to get on my last nerve.


A cute hillbilly
'That hoedown last night was a real hoot'
'Yep, lotsa bumkins shakin what their mamas gave em'
'Too bad we didn't bring enough moonshine to bag a couple of em'


Getting a Blowjob while taking a shit
This bitch was givin me a Bumkin and i almost blew my o-ring


Used to describe someone from the country in Australia who lives in the outback. A bumkin wears raggy clothes and a raggy old hat.
Jackson Brownie from townsville is a bumkin.

You fucking bumkin, give back my hay.

country bumkin

a urban person in the middle class from the south that perfers corn bread and fried chicken and have a heavy accent from north carolina
what it do i got some leftovers its fried chicken, sweet potato pie macaroni, pork chops, corn bread, peach cobbler, rice and chicken, spare ribs......................turkey, chicken legs

damn country bumkin

bumkin 360

When you are getting head while taking a shit and right before u pinch it off, u spin around(360) and hit the bj giver right in the side of the head. BLOOP!!
Dude, she was giving me a bumkin and i totally bumkin 360ed up side her head. Needless to say, we are no longer seeing one another.




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